Favorite dragons

In Fun
My very very best friends
My very very best friends

My consolation during these times has been my stuffed dragons.  My family is from Ecuador, In 2018, I moved to New York with my family. During Christmas 2018 !, I finally got to know the snow for the first time.  It was beautiful.  My cousin, Vanne who lives in Ecuador, bought dragons online to keep me company and not feel alone.  These dragons are special to me because they remind me of Christmas when we used to go to our grandparents' house together.  In Ecuador, families gather for Christmas throughout the city.  Dragons makes me feel cozy and brings me back to those wonderful memories of being with family.

Place(s): New York
Year: 2018

– Christopher Tello

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child