Family Picture Book

Tells how much family matters.
Tells how much family matters.
Story pending

Something really special to me is my family’s memories book which is full of pictures even before my siblings and I existed. That book is originally from my moms creative idea. The book was originally made in Mexico but had been bought by my mom. My mom started working on it once she migrated to the United States where she met my dad. My mom met my dad at the age of 16. They both met in Los Angeles, California. Once my mom and dad started dating they took a lot of pictures together and their young fun experiences.They soon got married by law and got many pictures of that day. After one year my mom got pregnant with my brother and again she filled up of pictures of her and her stomach and my big brothers first ultrasound. She did the same with my sister, and I. This special book of pictures means so much to me because my mom has pictured all of our families memories since day one. It bring so much to my family and I when we look back on our childhood memories, first birthday parties, baptisms. 

Place(s): Los Angeles,California, Minneapolis
Year: 1990

– Jasmine Morales

Relationship:  unknown unknown