Family Oral History Project
This piece of family oral history is a courtship story between my grandmother and grandfather, which began in October 1965 when my grandmother moved to New York from Puerto Rico at the age of 21. Living in an apartment owned by my grandfather’s mother, she met my grandfather, a 22-year-old with a complex past. Despite warnings from her uncle about my grandfather’s reputation as a womanizer and his history of fathering three children by two different women, my grandmother saw beyond his past and chose to pursue a relationship with him. Over time, my grandfather worked hard to prove his commitment, earning her uncle’s reluctant blessing. They married in February 1966 and built a life together, raising four daughters and remaining married until my grandfather’s passing in March 2011. This story not only highlights their love and resilience but also provides insights into the values of hard work, redemption, and the strength of family bonds that continue to shape future generations.
– AL
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant