El molcajete
This object is called a molcajete, which can translate to mortar in English. Traditionally the molcajete is used in Mexican kitchens to grind multiple ingredients to make a variety of sauces and pastes. This object has a gray color and is very rough due to the fact that it is made out of volcanic rock. This molcajete was made in Mexico and was brought to America by my grandparents during their migration journey. The molcajete is important to me because it symbolizes the great sacrifice my grandparents made to make sure my family and I had a better future. Every time I eat a meal where molcajete-made sauces are included, it makes me feel grateful because just knowing how big of a sacrifice my grandparents made for us is amazing. The molcajete can teach us about how cultural staples have become key contributions to the melting pot that America is today. Fun fact: The word "molcajete" comes from the Nahuatl words mollicaxtli and temolcaxitl, which mean "bowl for sauce" or "stone bowl for the mole".
– Eddie
Relationship: Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant