
My mother eggrolls.
My mother eggrolls.

Ever since I was young I can remember later summer egg roll nights.. These nights I would stay up a little later and watch my mom cook eggs, boil noodles, and stem vegetables. I would get so excited seeing her roll the last few. As my parents got divorced my mom was never home.I always would have to rely on my sisters to cook and help with things my mom couldn’t do because she was working. So for the nights she would get home late she would sit down at the table and make egg rolls. This long process she stayed up late, not just for my sisters not having to cook, but so she could provide for the family. On a warm sunny morning I would wake up, go to the kitchen and see there’s a note on the table “ Love you, left some egg rolls in the microwave, Mom.” As you can see the egg rolls were important to me because whenever I see, smell, or hear them being made it reminds me of my mom and how she worked to grow a happy family.

Place(s): South Dakota

– CF😻

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more