Easter Basket

Easter Basket of food
Easter Basket of food

Every Easter, our family prepares a basket of food to be blessed by the priest at my grandparents’ church.  This is a Polish tradition called “Swieconka” (pronounced Schwin-Song-Ka) that has been celebrated for many centuries.  My great-great grandparents came to the United States from Poland in the late 1800’s.  They celebrated their culture through food, religion and other traditions.  The basket is always blessed on the Saturday before Easter, which is known as “Holy Saturday” and the food can’t be eaten until Easter Sunday.  The basket usually contains eggs, bread, lamb, salt, horseradish and ham.  Each of these have a different symbolic meaning. I think this is a fun and unique tradition that ties us to our ancestors from hundreds of years ago. This tradition is similar to the traditions of the many other cultures that make up America.  The best part of this tradition is when you get to enjoy all of the delicious food!

Place(s): Poland

– Jacob Z

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant