
In Attire
Great Grandmothers earrings
Great Grandmothers earrings

These earrings were my great grandmothers. She had planned to give them to me after she died because i was the only girl on my dads side of the family after her. She lived in Canada so I never saw her much, I only remember meeting her once. This was the first piece of expensive jewelry I owned as a kid. I was so honored to get this gift after she died so i took very good care of it. My grandmother gave me these earrings after my great grandmother died when i was around 9. These earrings were important to my great grandmother because she had a matching necklace to it that was her favorite. Ever since I was born she knew that she wanted the earrings to be mine. She always had me in the back of her head. I find this sentiment very sweet because I didn't know her that well and she was still always thinking of me. She originally planned on giving me the necklace but she lost it so the earrings were still a piece of her with me. I wear them on very special occasions or when i need good luck. 

Place(s): Canada

– NB

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more