I love the 1940s movie Holiday Inn. Every December, my twin Makayden and I go to my grandparents’ house. We go to the basement and watch a movie. We would squish onto 2 couches, then my grandfather would relearn how to turn on the movie, and we watched it. It’s an old movie that includes all holidays in order. We go upstairs halfway through and make a big bowl of ice cream for each of us. We go downstairs and finish the movie before going to bed. It is a new tradition that my grandparents started with my sister and I. That's why I love the movie Holiday Inn; it's a special one time a year movie. This movie was the first one they watched after building my lake house in Maine, so it reminds me of what it must have been like after building the house.The cover reminds me of my great grandmother for some reason because it came out when she was about 20. It’s a red and green colored case with the 3 main characters on the front. Even when passing the Holiday Inn hotel I think of my grandparents. This tradition stays in my mind all December long, waiting for the night of fun I get with my grandparents.
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Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more