Dress for D.R.
This dress was gifted to my mom from her grandmother (or great-grandmother) for her 2nd birthday and this dress was given around the family for birthdays. I was even supposed to wear it once from my great-grandfather's 100th birthday but it was too big. It’s important to me because my family doesn’t have a lot of heirlooms and this can be considered one and that makes me happy, this object connects to me and my culture because birthdays are a big part of my moms side and giving the dress to babies/toddlers of the family makes it better than it already is. Everyone has a birthday party does have to be to big and even if we don do it on the actually day on your birthday you would still have party to celebrate. I know it looks a bit weird but my mom told me you had to wear something under of course but yeah looks a bit weird.
– Gianna Rivera
Relationship: Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant