Doll Bed

In Fun
hand made by my great great grandpa
hand made by my great great grandpa

     When I was three years old my mom gave me a bunk bed for my dolls. She told me that it was given to her when she was my age. My grandma had received it as a child as well. She told me how it migrated from house to house through our family and how I could pass it down to my child one day and it would continue to migrate to a new home. I was so excited to play with it so I picked it up to march it to my room. “Wait!” my mom said. She explained to me that I must be careful. She explains that this bed was hand made by my great great grandpa, and that I must be careful not to break it for it cannot be replaced. My grandma had also made all of the bedding for it before it was passed down to me. I slowly and cautiously took it to my room and began to play.       I played a lot with my dolls when I was little. I would play sleepovers, picnics, parties and my favorite: school. I would be the teacher and my dolls would be the students. Today I teach real kids at my church and I even help teach a dance class. My dolls and gifts like the bed, helped shape me into who I am today.

Year: 2005

– Ashley Plowman

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant