Dog collar

My dogs collar
My dogs collar
Story pending

My dog collar means a lot  to me. She was raised with me and was always by her side. I used to always take care of her and be around her. Hearing her barking every-time I got home made me feel like I was home. I kept her collar because it made me feel like she was still with me. I used to always have to take off her collar to be able to take her a shower. My grandma always got mad at her over everything, Even if my dog was trying to eat her food she would push her away. If I had the chance to go back and spend more time with her I would. Keeping her collar makes me feel like she is still with me and I'm still spending time with her. She may not be physically here but in my mind she will always be with me everytime im outside. I'm always thinking about her chasing me around the house especially while playing with my cats. My mom always talks about her and all I have to do is show her the collar and it makes her feel better.

Place(s): New York

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child