Doctors Books
These are my great-great-grandfather’s doctors books. His name was Rustem Soroosh, which is basically the Persian version of Hercules, and Rustem is also my middle name, as is Persian tradition. He was born around 1893. He bought these doctors books somewhere around 1918. He was brought from Iran (then called Persia) to the US by a Catholic Missionary for his education. He washed dishes to earn money for college. He went to Loyola for college and went to medical school to become a doctor. He did not like to talk about “the old country”, as he called it. When he returned to Persia, he felt as though people were trying to take advantage of him being a doctor and him having money, so he returned to the United States. He got his doctors books when he went to medical school. The books are emblematic of his education in medical school and how he became a doctor.
– Madilin S.
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more