Diamond Ring

In Attire

The object I picked is very important to me because it is a symbol of the love the people in my life have for me. My mom's mom told me the story of the diamond ring her father gave to her mother. She explained the journey her father's parents had to make so she could be free and happy. She also explained that the diamonds they were able to bring to America helped them survive until they found jobs. There were not many but my great grandfather had kept one for each of his children and gave it to them when they grew up. The one she gave to my great grandfather is the one he made the ring from. My grandma always tells me how much they loved each other and how much the ring meant to her because it was her mom's.  I always know that she loved me but when she said the ring was going to be mine I knew how deep that love was for me. The ring was my grandma's and my papa had the stone reset for her when her mom gave it to her. She says it is a symbol of all the love that helped to create the family we have become and one day she hopes I give it to my daughter or son.  She says it sparkles like the lights on the Christmas tree or the candles on the menorah and always reminds her of the special love we have in our family.

– Briana Start

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more