Dark Blue Blanket with Snowmen

Dark blue winter themed blanket
Dark blue winter themed blanket
Story pending

The last time I saw my extended family on my dad's side was in Michigan, six years ago, in 2015, for my great-grandmother's 90th birthday. Almost all of her descendants were there to celebrate. I also happen to be her mother's one-hundredth descendant. In total, I think she now has around 109 descendants. My grandmother was the third child and first daughter in twelve, so she had many responsibilities. One of the skills she picked up while looking after all of her younger siblings was sewing; after getting an education, she became a seamstress and a teacher at a university. She would make quilts to give to family members or donate to people in need. When I was born, my grandmother made me this dark blue quilt with snowmen and snowflakes. It makes me feel more connected to my family. I don't get to see most of my extended family very often because they live spread across the US, some even in other countries. My grandparents, with my father, lived in Michigan until moving to Oklahoma when my dad was 17. My dad then came to California for college, and he took a quilt my grandma (his mom) made for him. I used to sleep with the quilt for a portion of my younger life, but recently, I've kept it folded in a closet or strewn over the end of a bed. Even though it is as old as I am, it has retained its shape exactly and is very durable. The quilt has a more firm feeling than a more common soft pillow; I think it's because of how my grandmother stuffed it that gives it its firmness. I'll still use it sometimes. It does feel like being able to have a bit of family with me always.

Place(s): Michigan, California

– Caleb C

Relationship:  unknown unknown