Coqui Souvenirs

three coqui frog souvenirs
three coqui frog souvenirs
Story pending

The coqui frog is considered native in Puerto Rico. Symbolizing their small size yet big and loud voices – resembling the people themselves in how Puerto Rico and the people are small in population, but their voices will always reach the rest of the world.
My grandmother used to reside in Puerto Rico before she came to New York and had my father and his brother. These small souvenirs were originally passed down from my grandma to my father. So he just keeps them around the house. But some of them were brought from Puerto Rico, back when I traveled with my dad’s side of the family when I was about 4 years old. Sometimes they were from when she traveled alone and when she eventually came back, she would gift some to my dad. This object is important to me because not only is it tied to my Puerto Rican identity, but also because it's one of the things that still remind me of my time with my grandmother who passed in 2019.

Place(s): Puerto Rico

– Alexa A.

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant