Colorful Flower Mola

This Mola is a Panama flower
This Mola is a Panama flower

My Grandmother's Migration Story
My grandma’s mother from my dad’s side of the family and her 12 year old brother (my uncle) migrated from Panama to Chicago, Illinois. She was 22 years old when she came to the USA. When she migrated she brought with her two things that would be passed down for generations to come. One was a Pilon, a container which she used to crush garlic and peppercorn to make seasoning for her food and Mola, which she used to make dresses. A Mola meant to Panamanian people was that it showed political resistance to social issues. As of now, her daughter (my grandma) has the items on top of a shelf to make sure we don’t break them and to keep it as a memory of the hardship that her mother went through to have a better life for generations to come.

Place(s): Panama
Year: 1910

– Aaralynn.C

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more