Colombian Gingerbread Cookies

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Gingerbread cookie in shape of a person
Gingerbread cookie in shape of a person

These gingerbread cookies were invented by my dad’s Oma (Grandma). She made these cookies for my dad when he was little. She lived in El Carmen, Colombia on a farm. She started with a German cookie recipe. But she didn’t have every ingredient in Colombia. So she had to substitute Colombian ingredients to make these cookies. The cookies have coffee in them. They also have panela, a special kind of sugar, and a lot of spices like cinnamon. They are very yummy cookies. Now our family makes them, at my grandma’s house or my home. Even my younger brother helps!

Place(s): Colombia, Germany, New York, Delaware
Year: 1986

– Oscar

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant