Colada Morada

It is the colada morada next to a bread
It is the colada morada next to a bread
Story pending

Coming from an Ecuadorian descent, my family brought a lot of traditions inherited for us and our future generation. One of the most valued traditions I have inherited throughout my childhood would be when we gather together and we drink Colada Morada. When my grandma, Maria migrated to the United States, she decided that she would uphold all those traditions so that our generation can feel connected to our heritage. Colada Morada is a purple thick textured liquid blended with fruits such as strawberries, soursop, and blueberries. My grandmother says that in Ecuador it is typically during El mes de la fruta (the month of the fruit). During that month, people dress up in cultural clothes and dance while holding baskets of fruit. This celebration usually takes place in February each year. Additionally this comes with a piece of a sweet bread called t’anta wawa (Quechua for bread baby), usually shaped like a baby. This is my favorite tradition because as I grew up, I have learned to value the importance of family. This is a once a year tradition where we all drink and enjoy quality time. Through this tradition, I have learned to value how it brings our family together and helps me feel connected to my ancestor’s culture. Someday I hope to inert the recipe from my grandmother, who promised to pass it down when I am older and carry this tradition with the future generations.

Place(s): Ecuador , New York

– Yoselin Jara

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant