Colada Morada

Traditional Colada Morada from Ecuador
Traditional Colada Morada from Ecuador

 In the Ecuadorian culture one of more importance drinks that they have is Colada Morada because one way in the year in all Ecuador the families meet for prepare and drink colada morada and some families to do plays or activities in family. The work of Colada Morada is one form to connect at lives with deads and in the moment that the people drink Colada Morada they remember all your moments with them special person and other mean that the Colada Morada have is give honor at the deads, this is important for Ecuadorian culture because all families in Ecuador can share one way more between your special family and the kids can feel how they are special in them own families because one day they have to remember at your other families for that one day your own generation can remember them when they are deads. This drink is important for me because when I am a kid the majority of my uncles dead and my grandparent died before I was born so the first time that I drink Colada Morada was a special moment and feeling because I can feel that they can share with me one more time. 

Place(s): Brooklyn, New York and Cuenca, Ecuador
Year: 2023

– C.A.S.Q

Relationship:  unknown unknown