

My story is about a clock from my grandma, Vanessa. She got the clock when her and her family moved into their first house. The family consisted of my grandma, my granddad (Robert), their daughter (my mom), and their other daughter (my auntie). It was a wooden clock that my mom and auntie admired a lot. My grandma noticed how much they liked the clock so she told them “ whoever gets an house/apartment first can get the clock “. Than my grandma and auntie moved to Alabama. My mom and granddad stayed in Minnesota. My mom got her an apartment first but she couldn’t get the clock because my grandma was in Alabama with my auntie. Than my auntie got her an apartment and got the clock from my grandma. A decade later she passed away than my mom got clock from the house. My siblings and I admired the clock like how my mom and auntie did when they first got it. My mom told us she’ll give it to the first one of us to get a house/apartment. So now it’s a family tradition to pass the clock down to the first child to get a house/apartment.

Place(s): Minnesota, Alabama
Year: 1995

– Calvin A.

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant