Claddagh ring

Claddagh Ring
Claddagh Ring

The object that I chose is a claddagh ring. The claddagh ring is a huge part of Irish history and it is worn to signify the wish that love and friendship should reign supreme. The ring belonged to my great grandmother and my grandmother before she gave it to me. My grandmother's mother was a very strong woman, who immigrated to the United States by herself in the early 1900's and was able to work until she was able to pay for all of her siblings to come live in the United States for a chance at a better life.  My parents always remind me of where I came from and all that my family has done to put me in a position to succeed in life. My grandmother has never forgotten Ireland and she has passed on all of her memories to me. I was raised in a house where Irish music would ring throughout the morning, my uncles would play the bagpipes during every holiday celebration and every St. Patricks day we would make corned beef and cabbage to celebrate. Everyone in my family either wore a claddagh ring or a Celtic cross every day of their life. I visited Ireland for the first time and I stayed with my aunt and uncle. I was able to visit my great-grandmother's childhood home and I felt very connected to her. During the time my great-grandmother lived in Ireland the troubles were going on which was a rebellion the Irish people had against the British. She knew that she had to get her family out of the country and she did everything in her power to make that happen.

Place(s): Ireland
Year: 1916

– Emma Biesty

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant