Christmas Trees

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
grandparents super cool christmas tree.
grandparents super cool christmas tree.

Growing up in a christian and jewish household has given me the opportunity to celebrate so many different holidays with the same people. My mom, who grew up in a jewish family here in the US, met my dad, who grew up in a christian family in England, in 2000, two years after he moved to New York from London. They got married in 2004 where they then had my twin brother and I four years after. Having to incorporate two different religions into a family was something they didn't have trouble doing. Because my moms side of the family lives in the US, we see them pretty often throughout the year, but we only see my dads side once a year, during the holidays in England. Since I can remember, Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. All year round I'm making my Christmas list and then seeing Christmas trees for the first time of the year is awesome. Once halloween is over, i’m most likely buying everything christmas themed including candles that smell like christmas trees and fireplaces. The first thing I see in my grandparents house after our 18 hour travel day is their christmas tree filled with lights and ornaments that each hold different memories. Christmas trees have always meant that I get to be with my favorite people during my favorite holiday, even my mom who never started celebrating christmas until she met my dad. 

Place(s): England and New York
Year: 1998

– Lily Scotting

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant