christmas tree

In Fun
christmas tree :D
christmas tree :D
Story pending

My family has celebrated Christmas ever since I can remember and we’ve always had a Christmas tree. The current Christmas tree we have is very old since we’ve had it for many years. For Christmas, we always decorate the tree, although now it’s more like a chore than something that’s fun to do, I still like doing it I guess. The Christmas tree has endured many years. It’s very old but it has a lot of memories from past Christmas’, past presents, and past memories. The cats we’ve had have always liked to try to climb the tree which was always fun to watch. Under the tree, there has been a lot of presents on a Christmas but on other christmas’ there hadn’t even been two presents for each family member, nevertheless, it’s always fun to gather around on christmas with family. A Christmas tree is just used for decoration and to put presents underneath it. Our family's Christmas tree is fake, it's green and not that small. It has no important meaning to any family members but it holds a lot of memories. The cats we’ve had always climbed on it and that is always entertaining to see. So all in all the tree itself could just be replaced with any other tree but its the memories we have with it that matter, even if the memories aren’t all that good.

Place(s): minnesota

– Ashley Orellana

Relationship:  unknown unknown