Christmas decorations

In Fun
beautiful Christmas decorations
beautiful Christmas decorations

Your story, our story day 3  My grandmother on my dad's side, lived in Syracuse, NY, her whole life and was raised in a Christmas-loving household. As she grew up the love of Christmas continued in her and she also developed a love for antiques. The combination of these two passions resulted in her collecting many Christmas decorations. Specifically, ornaments of all shapes and sizes. On that is very important to us is a big angel with long blonde hair and a sparkly blue dress. Once she had kids and my dad was growing up, he was exposed to her love for Christmas and adopted that trait. He associated the ornaments and Christmas with her, who he loved very much. As he got older, many memories were made with them, and he even bought her a few.  When she died in 2001 those decorations were passed down to my dad and aunt. Ever since, my dad has decorated our Christmas trees with the ornaments and cherished them. When my brother and I were born, we were told all about my grandma's passion for Christmas and the memories behind the decorations. Every year, we place the angle ornament front and center on our tree and the ornaments remind us of her. It’s almost like she is here with us. My brother and I now have this love for Christmas because of her and we feel connected to her through the decorations.  

Place(s): Syracuse NY

– noelle

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant