Chinese Jade

In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
This is a classic Chinese Jade Bangle
This is a classic Chinese Jade Bangle

It all goes back to ancient China, where the philosopher Confucius believed that jade represented the virtues of a gentleman. Jade is warm and lustrous, a symbol of benevolence, delicate, yet solid, a symbol of righteousness, a symbol of wisdom, and this is why jade is so important in China. In the eyes of the older generation, jade keeps peace, and there is even a saying that "jade breaks one's peace", meaning that jade sacrifices itself to protect its owner, which of course is superstition to me, but to my parents it is a symbol of peace. I don't want my parents  to pass the jade down to me, usually when the jade is passed down to the next person it represents the end of the original owner's life. My mother's jade bracelet broke once, but she felt relieved because the jade helped her avoid a bad thing, she didn't lose it because of that, she got someone to restore her bracelet and continues to wear it to this day. I think this is Confucius' thought passed down through the older generation to tell us that the nobility of human character is the basis of jade, and this is the magic of Chinese culture. But the times are progressing and although I think it is a superstition, I still respect it because it is my root, jade (Confucian thought) and the new society has allowed me to find a state of balance in the middle. 

Place(s): China
Year: 2016

– KL

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant