Chinese dictionary

This is a Chinese dictionary
This is a Chinese dictionary
Story pending

On the left side is a Chinese dictionary. One day, my boarding school teacher and classmates told me that you need to have a dictionary inorder to help you with words you are unfamiliar with. After, I bought one from a grocery store. I often use it a lot when I’m studying or doing homework. Inside the dictionary everything is written in Chinese and it is always possible to help you find the meaning of a word that you are unfamiliar with. I used it the whole time about 2 years since I’ve started second grade and I keep it inside my backpack almost every single day in case there is an emergency that I can get a quick check on it. It stays with me as I go along with my school journey and this begins when my mom doesn’t really take care of me that much when she dropped me off to the boarding school for each semester that I can’t really have time to live with her. So as the days go on, everything that is left on me are the homework, grades, classes. Later on, things that are waiting for me are still the schoolwork that made me feel more stressful, sleepless, and tired. So, it was really meaningful to me. It has almost everything that  connected to my past when I’m in boarding school and it really helps me with homework that I’ve done. But for me it is a miserable story that I’ve had experiences in the past which I would like to be shared with others. Also, It is an invaluable object to me because it helps me to recall the past. As the days I continue to see it, it reminds me of sadness, happiness, and hard-working memories at the period of time when I was in boarding school.  

Place(s): China
Year: 2014

– Y.W.

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child