Chinese altar

Red Chinese altars with lights and cups
Red Chinese altars with lights and cups
Story pending

While my family is not super religious, praying and believing in something gave them hope that things will get better one day. It reminds us everyday to be kind and offerings help us develop qualities such as wisdom. The altar gives us protection and guidance. Being so far from China, this brings us closer to our family. On every Chinese holiday, we pray to the altar. It represents the gods and our relatives. Normal prayers are to be prosperous and successful. Red is a color that means good luck to us and that’s why the altar is mostly red. Most Chinese houses and restaurants have it. It is usually never on the ground because it is considered disrespectful so people trying to put it as high up as possible. The altar isn’t something that is passed on to children or spouse since every house requires one. 

Place(s): China

– ET

Relationship:  Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child