Chicken Adobo

Photo of the dish
Photo of the dish
Story pending

My story is revolved around my culture from the Philippines. The main part of this culture that I can closely relate too, would be chicken Adobo. Chicken Adobo is a dish that my grandparents used to make all the time when they were my age back in the Philippines. When they were both around twenty years old, they had moved to Brooklyn where they would meet and end up getting married. When I was younger I would always go over there house and make this dish with them. My best memories were when we finished making it we would always let it cool for exactly five minutes before devouring everything on our place. It's funny to think how something like a food dish could bring me so close to my culture and very close to my grandparents. Even though it is a simple dish, I hope that it is passed down through the generations, bringing each other closer together.

Place(s): Phillipines

– Logan Pouliot

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant