
In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Young me wearing a traditional charro
Young me wearing a traditional charro
Story pending

My parents originate from the beautiful country of Mexico. They are immigrants who settled in the United States around the 90s to prosper. As the years went by, my parents started a family. I’m their first child and the first Mexican- American in my family history. I grew up to live a better childhood than my parents. Many doors were opened for me, and resources were available that my parents never had when they were children. Being born in this country opened my eyes to many different ideas and morals about American living. I grew up in a different environment, there are more things that I know about in the United States than in Mexico. To keep in touch with my native roots, my extended family from Mexico sent my parents a traditional charro outfit that I could wear. This outfit is mostly worn by Mexican musicians called Mariachis who perform and entertain. I wore this outfit during a cultural festival at my church. I represent my country through its musical lifestyle by wearing very iconic attire worn by talented musicians. Ever since then, music is what builds a connection between myself and my culture. I may not know a lot of things about my home country and I do not come from a musically talented family, but we all share a passion for our country’s unique style of the arts and that’s what brings us together.

Place(s): New York, Mexico

– Eric Garcia

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant