
In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant
"chappal" or "slippers" in English.
"chappal" or "slippers" in English.
Story pending

This image is of the Nepali traditional shoes, "Chappal." These were brought over by my best friend's mother, to be passed down to future generations. The shoes can be worn to many different kinds of Nepali events (like weddings, temple visits, festivals, or if someone is just trying to look traditional). They come in many different colors and designs. My best friend Nikita immigrated here from Kathmandu, Nepal (the capital) when she was just 11 years old. She did not necessarily want to move at the time, however, he parents made the leap because of American pull factors. Her parents immigrated to the U.S. first, before their two children could join them 6 years later! She went all those years without her parents at such a young age. Her mother, specifically, put on these shoes last minute before her departure from her native country so that she could pass them on to Nikita. These styles of shoes are very sacred and cultural in their country and represent so much significance to Nikita and her mother. With this simple pair of slippers comes a great sense of belonging for Nikita and reminds her of her original roots. Even though Nikita did not want to come to America, she is glad that she was raised her and I am glad that she ended up meeting me.

Place(s): Kathmandu, Nepal
Year: 2016

– Reyna Silvia Palfreyman

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant