
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Baking pan filled with Capirotada
Baking pan filled with Capirotada
Story pending

Capirotada is a Mexican bread pudding. It is usually eaten during Lent and most commonly served on Good Friday. Everyone makes it slightly different depending on the household, but my mom has told me that when her mother would make it for her, it would always get topped with sprinkles and lots and lots of peanuts. My mom and the rest of her family settled in an area where there weren't many other Hispanics/Latinos. This meant that the dishes that she considered normal were foreign to the people around her. However, her community was willing to give this foreign food a chance and they found that the food was pretty delicious. This dish, along with a few other Mexican dishes such as tortas, enchiladas, and tacos dorados, allowed for my grandma to sell traditional Mexican food where they settled. 

Place(s): Moyahua, Zacatecas
Year: 1973

– Rosamaria Guzman

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant