Cake Pops

Sweets made for my grandma's birthday.
Sweets made for my grandma's birthday.

      Living at my grandparents' home was difficult,  but somehow my grandparents' house is still a special place. I lived with my grandparents from kindergarten up to third grade. My aunt also lived there and still does,  because she is first getting her college degree before moving out. A fond memory I have was baking with my aunt. Baking would be an excuse to stay up late on a school night. Most of the time we would try baking recipes we saw online. I would get all excited and giddy;  when I saw her come back from work with baking ingredients. At the time I was an only child who would have no one to play with so my aunt being in her early twenties at the time would be the one to play with me. I ended up seeing her as an older sister especially during times where we would spend the day together. I remember the best baking we did was making a bunch of cake pops. Making them for my grandma’s birthday made it more special and it felt like a great contribution to honor her birthday. I hope I will continue to make more happy memories about my close family.

Place(s): Chelsea
Year: 2008

– AR

Relationship:  unknown unknown