
Story pending

Every year during the holidays my grandma loves to cook for the whole family. One of the dishes she enjoys making is buñuelos. Buñuelos are one of my favorite dishes that she makes because it makes me feel more connected with my Colombian roots. Although she is Mexican she makes them for my grandpa who is Colombian because she knows they remind him of home. He had migrated to America to get a better-paying job in order to provide for his mom and sisters who couldn't leave the country. He still helps them in any way he can to this day. Although he tries to visit often he still misses home and would like to see them more. He works super hard to make sure his family is comfortable and has what they need. Every time my grandma makes buñuelos my grandpa's face always lights up. It will always be a reminder of home for him which will always be a bittersweet thing to see.

Place(s): Colombia

– Prescilla

Relationship:  Grandchild of im/migrant Grandchild of im/migrant