Bunny Stuffy

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Bunny Stuffy
Bunny Stuffy

This is my favorite stuffy that I got from a family friend even before I was born, and it has been with me my entire life. Although I have gotten many, many stuffies over the course of my life, this bunny is the only one to survive ever since I moved houses. My bunny has never had any holes or been damaged before, despite being incredibly well-loved for over twelve years. It always makes me feel warm and cozy, especially on cold nights, and even if its fur is starting to get more matted, it is just a reminder of how well-loved it is. I never named it because it always felt like it never needed a name, and also because I am not the best at naming things. It has traveled with me from Bellevue to Queen Anne, and finally to Magnolia, and although the distance is just a couple of miles, my bunny has brought those memories from many years ago with me.
My parents also originally lived in China before they moved to the US for college, and although they didn’t really bring any objects with them, they did bring a lot of traditions. For example, every Lunar New Year (which is coming up right now), my family throws a big party/feast and we decorate the house with different things such as lanterns and other red decorations. This is pretty much the biggest holiday that we celebrate, and we always eat things like fish and dumplings in order to bring us good health during the new year.

Place(s): Bellevue, Washington; Seattle, Washington

– NP

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant