Brass Cristiano Ronaldo Statue

Statue of Cristiano
Statue of Cristiano

This object, a statue of Cristiano Ronaldo that stands on the coast of Madeira, Portugal, is not something I own; however, it represents my family's history in Portugal quite well. I recently touched this statue for good luck, as many visitors do, on a family trip to Madeira last April. My mom’s Grandpa was born in Madeira, and we wanted to see all the places her family had lived in. Most people touch Cristiano’s crotch for luck in fertility, but I opted for his calves and wished my legs were as strong as his bronze ones. Madeira is a very hilly island; the hikes are the most beautiful I’ve ever been on, but they solely consist of huffing and puffing up and down stairs. I thought a lot about my family on these hikes, not only because I yearned for the same strength my ancestors had living their whole lives on these hills but also because my Great Grandpa, Carlos De Freitas, was a staircase maker. I had always known Carlos started making staircases right when he came to the U.S, but now I see why someone who had lived in Madeira would be naturally skilled at this profession. When I came home and walked the hilly streets of San Francisco, I felt more connected to my ancestors and, of course, Cristiano.

Place(s): Madeira, Portugal

– Anna

Relationship:  Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more