
In Attire
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
A green bracelet that I got in Jerez.
A green bracelet that I got in Jerez.

 This object that I have is a bracelet. It is a forest green and white to describe the words. The bracelet says “JETS 76” it is made from strings and a piece of construction paper is inside that holds all of the string. This bracelet came from near town where my father is from. This town Is called Jerez, Zacatecas. My dad asked a local vender to make it for me because during this time I was apart of a football team called the Napa Jets and my number was #76. My dad was thinking about me when making the request for the bracelet. This bracelet might just say what number I was when I did youth football but it has a deeper meaning then that. Every winter or every other winter me and my dad and my my grandma sometimes my sister would go to Mexico. We would go to my dad's hometown or more like a village it was called “Los Haro '' every time I would go here I would be surrounded by family: Family members from all walks of life. Some members would live in this town and some would be scattered all over the United States. We would meet up in the winter to celebrate Christmas and New Years. This bracelet always reminds me from where my roots were and where my family always is. This object always reminds of sweet memories and my family is always here 

Place(s): Zacatecas Jerez Los Haro Mexico
Year: 1983

– Marco

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant