
In Fun

When I was 12 years old, I wanted a bracelet since in those days many were used. My dad told me that he was going to buy it for me before I came here since he was coming to the United States so that I could take it as a souvenir from forever. I liked the bracelets because I see them as beautiful and you can wear them whenever you want. The days came closer and my father called me and my sisters since he was going to buy them too. He called us and told us to choose the one that we want. I chose one that is white with black and has a virgin mary in each ball. Since then I have told my mom to buy for myself to make my own bracelets with all the colors that I want. It  is the most important of all the bracelets that I have since my father gave it to me and it comes from my beautiful country, the Dominican Republic.

Place(s): Dominican Republic
Year: 2019

– Jaisibel Felipe Olivares

Relationship:  unknown unknown