This is my great grandmother's bracelet from Mississippi, Tennessee. This bracelet has been in my family for 2 generations and has been an important part of my family since she died in 2012. After she died my family took it very harsh and decided to cherish this bracelet since this was one of her favorite jewelers she had. She always wore it to special occasions as my family told me. I never got to meet her but from everyone I hear she is a good person and she really changed some of my family members life from the way she brightened and treated people. This bracelet brough my family together because every year we have done for about 6 years going to her grave and bringing that bracelet to have a gathering and show how much we appreciate her. This bracelet will always be a part of my story.
Place(s): Mississippi, Tennessee
- Zahunna
– Zahunna
Relationship: Im/migrant who arrived as a child Im/migrant who arrived as a child