
Relationship: Im/migrant
My bracelet from Guinea
My bracelet from Guinea
Story pending

My artifact is a bracelet and it's so unique and important to me because it was given to me by my mother. It is so beautiful that every time I wear it I remember the day my mom gave it to me. Although I don't wear it anymore,  it is still my favorite bracelet. I always keep it close to my bed in my room so that nobody will play with it or touch it. I received it when I was 14 years old. Secondly, it was from my mom. She gave it to me as a present when I decided to live in another country. I was so happy that day and until now everytime I look at it I remember how hard it is to be without my mother or family. Leaving her was one of the hardest things about living in another country. I always manage to stay in touch with her by calling her. My bracelet always reminds me of her. Subsequently, moving to a new country has become normal in my life. I started spending a lot of time moving from country to country. In just one year, I have already stayed in more than ten different countries. Whenever I look at the bracelet, I remember all the good times I spent with my parents and it makes me both happy and emotional. The bracelet is a memory of my parents. It reminds me of the internal celebrations and cultural evenings me and my family used to attend. I love watching their performances because many of my friends are part of it and all of them train super hard for the performances. Their performances are magnificent and capture everyone's attention. To conclude, I love my parents and I hope one day they will be proud to have me as their son. 

Place(s): Guinea New York

– Abdoulaye Sow

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant