
baby blanket
baby blanket
Story pending

This blanket belonged to my girlfriend when she was a baby and was something she had while still in Mexico and before immigrating. Before immigrating to the U.S., she used to get very sick and suffered a lot from bronchitis. Her mom would use this blanket to wrap her up to prevent the sickness from getting worse. Her family decided to immigrate to the U.S. around this time. There were a couple of reasons why her family wanted to immigrate to the US; her dad was looking for better job opportunities, her mom hoped for better medicine and doctors that would help with her bronchitis, and both of her parents wanted to be closer to their family members. Her dad immigrated here to the U.S. first. She and her mom were separated while crossing, but her mom made sure she was kept wrapped up in the blanket. She ended up crossing the border with another family friend and didn’t see her mom for a couple of days while they crossed separately. They reunited here in the U.S. She came to the U.S. when she was around two years old and grew up very attached to the blanket. This blanket holds a lot of sentimental value to her because it is a reminder of her and her family’s journey to the U.S. and a part of her childhood. To her, the blanket symbolizes comfort and the reason why she kept it with her for all these years. It became her favorite blanket when she was a kid and it remained something special to her as an adult. This blanket has been with her and her family for about 19 years now, and it will always be a reminder of the difficult yet worthy journey it took to be here.

Place(s): Guadalajara, Jalisco
Year: 2005

– Augustin Marin

Relationship:  unknown unknown