Black beaded bracelet

Relationship: Child of im/migrant
The bracelet is beaded and has a cross
The bracelet is beaded and has a cross
Story pending

My mother gave me this bracelet before my grandma passed. This bracelet has been passed down from generation to generation. My mom is from the Dominican Republic, she and her family are religious. They pray every night for protection and strength, and they pray for others who struggle during this time especially now that we are living with the Coronavirus. No matter the circumstance, my mom used one of these beaded bracelets to pray. She has many of them scattered around the house. Everyday my mom prays with her group of sisters, she goes to church every Sunday. To me this bracelet is just an ordinary bracelet, but to my mom it symbolizes strength and protection. When my mom was on a flight to California, she took out the bracelet when there was turbulence and prayed to get through it. My mom has been through a lot in the past. She left some of her family behind to go live life here in the United States and religion was a key part in feeling safe throughout her journey. She lived in an apartment with my aunt a few blocks away from where we currently live. She didn't know English when she first came to the country but progressively learned throughout. This bracelet was only one of the objects that helped my mom get through her journey, she still turns to it today even when she prays.

Place(s): Dominican Republic, and New York City
Year: 1996

– Samuel Nutter

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant