Bike and Tennis Raquet

In Fun
Relationship: Im/migrant
Story pending

My object is one of my bikes and my tennis racket. My bike  looks black and red and my racket is blue, White and black. Biking is important in our family, because we just do it a lot like my grandpa does it every day but not as much recently. And my whole family pretty much plays tennis my dad my mom my uncle and my cousins, so I do too. These objects are used for my exercise. My Mom gave my tennis racquet to me.
The objects are important to my family and me, because most of us play tennis and we all ride bikes.  It is also important to me because I use it almost all the time. It describes part of who I am because I love tennis and biking on my dad's side they bike a lot and play lots of tennis on both sides, so I kind of inherited it.

– J.F.

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant