Big Bunny and Stripey

In Fun
Relationship: Child of im/migrant
Big Bunny
Big Bunny

My objects are a stuffed animal bunny and a cushion with beans inside. They are very special to me, because I have had them since I was too young to remember. My second-aunt gave Big Bunny to me and my parents gave me two cushions, actually, but I only took a picture of my favorite one, Striped Cushion (Stripey). Big Bunny has actually never had any holes in it, despite being well-loved. Stripey has had a hole(s) that I’ve sewn up, and the beans inside are well-crushed and almost like coarse sand. There have been times when bits of sharp edges of the crushed rice poke out of Stripey, stabbing me. I always try to pick them out, but they sometimes get away from me. Whenever my mom comes down at night, she makes Big Bunny “talk”. It is really cute and always gets me in a better mood. My Grandpa immigrated from China to the US, but there are no tangible items that I have in my possession.

Place(s): US, China

– L

Relationship:  Child of im/migrant Child of im/migrant