Bey blade

In Fun
A beyblade I had as a kid
A beyblade I had as a kid

Beyblade is a game where you spin different types of tops with different parts and they fight each other, the last one left spinning or in the stadium is declared the winner. When I was around 7  years old when I received my first beyblade. It was bulky and made of plastic where the regular ones were made of metal but it was bigger than the others which made me think that I would win along with the accusations of cheating for the fact that it was so big. However I was proven wrong over and over again every time I lost to a smaller beyblade. Certainty is only obtainable to some extent before you put your beliefs to the test. Even if I prevailed in most of the battles I could not always be 100% certain that I would always win because there can always be someone better with a better beyblade. But I could not be 100% certain that I would always succumb to defeat either. There is also the possibility that all the people I faced were just better than me as they played the game for much longer than me and it had nothing to do with beyblade. 

Place(s): New York
Year: 2012

– Khazion Felicien

Relationship:  unknown unknown