Hello my name is angel josue garcia and this is my story and I come from Honduras and I am going to tell about the memories of typical Honduras food and they are the baleadas I know are very tasty. They look Very tasty. They are filled with ground beans with chopped eggs, avocado and butter, and the baleadas are made from flour with yeast and cooked over a fire. Almost ‘’always’’ on rainy days we ate that food with my family. With coffee or if not with soda, almost all my family likes this food very much. It is really tasty and not only my family but the whole country likes this food.The baleadas are very typical in Honduras but there are people who prepare them in a different way. On the other hand, in my family we prepare it the way everyone in the family likes it in a more different way, adding ground meat, they are very tasty.And here in the United States they sell some baleadas but they are very ugly and they are not the same as those from Honduras and that is all of my story.
– angel garcia
Relationship: Im/migrant Im/migrant