
In Attire
Relationship: Im/migrant
Black Adidas Backpack
Black Adidas Backpack
Story pending

This black backpack was all my mother brought with her on her journey to America. My mom left her home country of Oaxaca, Mexico, in January 2001. She took a plane from the state of Oaxaca to Sonora. She paid a guide, also known as a "coyote," $1,000 to help her cross the border. Thirty-two people were crossing the border, including my mother. She was one of only four women risking their lives to come to America. My mom walked for two nights in the Sonoran Desert. She slept on the ground by the streams and hid from border patrol during the day. The backpack contained a gallon of water, canned food, and bread. She had to travel light and only bring the necessities. She lost three toenails from the long hours of walking, but eventually, she made it to Nogales, Arizona. Astonishingly, my mom left everything behind; her family, friends, home, and possessions. All she had with her was this backpack and the dream of making a better life for herself and for me. 

Place(s): Oaxaca, Mexico, Nogales, Arizona
Year: 2001

– Estefania

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant