Azabache Bracelet
Growing up in my family every baby that was born including myself was given a bracelet, "La Mano de Azabache". This bracelet represents protection from the evil eye, envy, and negative energy. It is seen as a way to shield the wearer from harm and bring good fortune. When I was a baby, my grandma bought me the same bracelet along with a pendant for me to wear as I got older. She told me stories of how this symbol had been passed down for generations. Till this day I have both the bracelet and wear the pedant on a gold necklace from time to time. The hand ( La Mano) is always blessed in holy water before being worn. Its spiritual power and reminds me of the faith and traditions that have shaped my family. Wearing it serves as a comforting reminder of my roots, carrying with it the love, wisdom, and protection of those who came before me.
– Daniela Sanchez
Relationship: Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more Great-grandchild of im/migrant or more