Avocado Plushie

Relationship: Im/migrant
Avocado Plushie
Avocado Plushie
Story pending

This is my avocado plushie that I bought with my sister at a store at Junction Blvd. This plushie is special for me because it reminds me of the connection that I have with my sister. We bought this plushie in October, the month I came to NYC from Ecuador. She asked me if I wanted to go out to explore a place near our neighborhood. I said “Yes!” so we went out together. When we arrived at Junction Blvd, we saw the plushie on the window of a store and we said “It looks so pretty and cute.” This plushie is so particular because it is a mixture of an avocado and a tortoise and it attracted our attention. We preserve that plushie with care. Every single day it is on my bed with other plushies but the avocado plushie is more special than the others. I hope to have more special moments with my sister and we stay together as much as we can. 

Place(s): New York

– Alexis Chasig Daquilema

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant