Art Full of Colors

Relationship: Im/migrant
Story pending

My object is a piece of  art that hangs in our kitchen.  It looks like a grey canvas with a bunch of colors in the shape of a big flower.  It feels like  smooth paint on a big canvas. It is made out of a Canvas and paint.  It is used for the look of the kitchen and to admire.  The person it came from is a local St. Louis artist.  The object is important to my family and me, because  it is a big reflection of our family because of how colorful, fun, and vibrant it is.It is also important to me because it is fun to look at and makes me smile when I see it hanging.  It describes part of who I am because my family and I  are energetic and always doing something that we enjoy in our free time.  I feel like the colors and energy it projects are like what my family and I like to do and be. 

Place(s): St. Louis

– A.M.

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant