Arepas con queso

Relationship: Im/migrant
Arepas con queso
Arepas con queso

This is the object that I chose and it is a cheese arepa, it is a traditional dish in Colombia that is made from corn that is ground and mixed to form a dough, the arepa can be cooked in different ways, grilled or fried.
This is a recipe that reminds me of my country and my family because it was something very common we had for breakfast. My grandmother used to make them for us with hot chocolate.  Now that I am here, my mother and my aunt usually make them as an appetizer that I like a lot and that I like to share with my friends because it allows me to show them a little of Colombian food.
In addition, the Colombian arepa is recognized for being one of the most nutritious and essential foods in low-income areas, not only in Cali (my hometown), but also in the rest of Colombia. It is a simple and cheap preparation that provides the necessary nutrients for the essential energy functioning of the human body.

Place(s): Colombia
Year: 2023

– T.S

Relationship:  Im/migrant Im/migrant